Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Journal #2 – Using Podcast to Develop a Global Perspective - NETS I, III, IV, V

Maguth, Elliott, B M., J. (2010). Using podcasts to develop a global perspective. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=February_No_5_4&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4495&ContentID=25244&DirectListComboInd=D

Educators are responsible for not only making students aware of global challenges, such as, terrorism, economic development, disease, famine, and nuclear proliferation, but also teaching them about the cultural diversity of our world. By using podcast, teachers can engage students in learning about other cultures. Podcasting allows students to use and interact with digital technologies. Podcasting also allows students to apply what they know and reach a wider, global audience and appreciate cultural diversity.
Students at a high school in Columbus, Ohio were assigned the task of moderating and recording a debate on a global issue using a Meet the Press format. Their first task was to research a global issue from different perspectives. Podcasting involves a lot of planning, researching, writing, and editing even before students use the podcasting software, so the use of these digital technologies proved to be challenging and meaningful for them. Students created effective and well-aligned scripts and then began recording debates.
After students completed their scripts, they used the software in postproduction to edit out mistakes and incorporate enhancing features, such as background music. Students then showcased their work via Internet but this was the final phase of the activity and students needed to make sure that their work was the best they could do because people all over the world would be able to see it. The assignment was an authentic learning experience in that it allowed students to showcase a degree of depth on an important global issue. It led them to be well informed on multiple perspectives and gave them a chance to discuss current global issues.

How would you get your students interested in global issues?
            I would somehow get my students to help relate these issues to their everyday lives and the world around us. I would figure out a way to draw them in so that they wanted to learn about what is going on and how these issues could affect them. Students have a hard time learning about issues that don’t relate to them so I would have to figure out a way that I could relate the subject matter in a way that is meaningful to them.

How would you use podcasting in your classroom?
            Using podcasting in my classroom would entirely depend on what subject and grade I am trying to teach. I do feel that teaching children about other cultures and learning from other cultures is a very valuable resource, especially if you can communicate via the Internet to other countries. Seeing this first hand experience of interacting with another culture(s) can entice children to want to learn and to teach others. My students would be taught how to use a podcast and the in-depth work that they need to provide to create a powerful piece that others can learn from.

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